Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday Workout Tip - Less Thinking... More Doing

When Working Out - Get Out of Your Head and Just Do It.

Researchers at California state university have found that long jumpers who focused on the actual technical movement itself jumped up to 6 inches less than those who focused on something external, like a target or a line in the sand. 

This makes a lot of sense for any action that requires a complex motion that is performed powerfully. 

A good example would be a golf swing or, in a workout context, a power snatch or power clean. Both of these movements are pretty complex when done with perfect technique, but cannot be done slowly when any amount of resistance is used. 

Take home message from this, groove your form with perfect technical practice (a lot of it)  When it comes time to perform, focus on the goal more so than the technical execution. 

All of that perfect practice will pay off. 


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