Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Bursting the Bubble on Some Popular Cardio and Fat Loss Beliefs.

How Many Trainers Have You Told You to Get on That Treadmill and Burn Off the Pounds?

The calorie counter on your favorite piece of cardio equipment may make it seem like you have found the holy grail to fat loss but don't be fooled.

First of all the calorie counts are at best estimates and not very good ones at that.

Second, even if they were correct, the more miles you log the more efficient you become and the less fat you will actually burn.

This leaves you with the alternative of adding more and more volume to your training to try to achieve the same result.

This is a balancing act you will not be able to keep up and in the long run (no pun intended) will cost you more muscle than body fat.

For the most part leave the running, swimming, rowing, cycling to the runners, swimmers, rowers and cyclists. This is their chosen sport and they need practice just like any other sport.

If fat loss is your goal you are better served to eat optimally to burn fat for energy and incorporate exercise that promotes muscle maintenance or gain.

Feel free to drop a comment if you have any questions

Coach Weiss

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