Wednesday, January 16, 2013

High Intensity Interval Cardio - Fave Fat Loss Tool

Rowing with Greater Intensity = Fat Loss and Increased Cardio Capacity

Today's Wednesday work-out tip...

Increasing cardio capacity and fat loss are 2 requests I hear all the time. With high intensity interval cardio you kill 2 birds with one stone.

Beyond the combined benefits there are two other reasons I highly recommend this type of training:

1) High intensity intervals take far less time than steady state cardio.
2) If you are looking to increase cardio capacity and lose fat, this method flat out works.

There are many types of interval training to chose from but one of the best is the concept 2 rowing machine.

Proper form is critical for you to get the highest level of benefit from the exercise.

The primary driver on the rowing machine is your legs, NOT your arms.

When people limit the initial drive with the legs and primarily pull with the arms they not only reduce their overall distance per pull but also how much energy they expend... this defeats the whole point of interval cardio when fat loss is the goal.

If you focus on initiating the pull with a hard push from the legs and finish with a strong smooth pull from the arms you will involve as much muscle mass as possible and simultaneously burn maximum calories in minimum time.

Next time you're on the rowing machine try this method out then come back and leave a comment to tell me what you think...

See you in the trenches,


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