Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kettlebell Swing Exercise - Learn the Proper Form for Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell Swings Have Great Benefits - Learn 4 Simple Steps to a Proper Kettlebell Swing

 Anybody who has ever trained with me knows that I am all about getting
more out of the basics.

The gadgets and fads may come and go but the  real money maker
exercises have stood the test of time.

One such exercise is the kettlebell swing. Many people assume that kettlebells
are a new invention because they have become the cool thing to do in
the last while and most people had never heard of them before.

They have actually been around since the 1700s. Although only becoming
popular in North America in the last decade or so they have been
widely used in competition and sport in Russia and Europe since the

When performed correctly, few exercises can match the
kettlebell swing for developing total body power and conditioning. Do
the exercise wrong though and it can be murder on your back.

In this quick video 3 minute I will show you 4 simple steps to get you swinging with
power and confidence.

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